


Work hard

I got my friend visit yesterday and took a late lunch out with him. Super duper talks, had a big fun. So , in that meaning, my day was not like ones I usually repeat. I believe I missed something in the reading. Three I drew this morning a…


My mind is caught by the new comer decks.Here are three cards for my recent situation I drew today ; 31 Sun 23 Moon 11 Rod *Every day and night are repeated.今日は夢を見た。髪を金色に染めたママ友…ママ友と言うほど友達でもないのだけれど、そ…

Secondhand Oraclecards

そういえば「アルジャーノンに花束を」再読(中)。毎週火曜日に読むつもりでデイバッグにいれてある。 今日の3カーズ。 Three cards I drew this morning here. Am I looking back anyway? すっごくさきは分からないけれど、でも今が始まりのときのようだか…


After some time long, I drew three of Lenormand. They didn't speak to me and one more draw, which was placed the three. After this, I tried to pick W/T oracle, and two cards jumped out. Both were inverses. Orange inverse means I am board o…


Acacia(i) アカシアの木(逆) The very first one of the deck.デッキの一番最初のカード。 The inverse of this card reminds us "important element missing", which made us feel incomplete. このカードの逆位置は、大事なものの欠如を表していて何か足…